Self-Driving Cars

December 8th, 2017

When I first heard about self-driving cars a few years ago, I thought, “What do we need this for?”  However, I’ve made a 180 degree turn on this concept. With so many of us baby boomers having medical problems and physical limitations like poor vision, arthritis, poor circulation and slower brains, our diving ability can be compromised. Besides doing the physical and mental work of driving, another positive is the computer that is driving the car will not become distracted  i.e. drugs, alcohol, phone calls, talking and texting. More than 80% of car accidents are caused by human error, so theoretically self-driving cars will be safer. On the downside, it is new technology and there will be a learning curve. And of course, computers can occasionally fail. To me, the need is real and I say, “Bring them on!”

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