Too Many Choices – I’m Talking TV

September 12th, 2018

I went to a dinner at my cousin’s house two nights ago. There were 12 adults and two young children there. Topics discussed were current events like the US Tennis Open, politics, restaurants and TV. With one exception, no one was watching the same shows. There was no common culture in what we watch. So instead of discussing a TV series, we were informing the others about what we view. The quality of TV is definitely better these days i.e. shows like Games of Thrones, The Big Bang Theory, Homeland and NCIS. However, there are too many shows, too many channels, too many networks and therefore too many choices to make. We lack the commonality of Monday mornings at work from 1978-1991 when it seemed like everyone watched Dallas and it was the hot topic with JR Ewing being the common villain. I felt sorry for the poor souls who didn’t see it. If you missed it on Friday night, you missed it. That was it. There were none of these modern conveniences to watch a show on your time. I miss those days



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