For the last two weeks, I’ve been staying at home because of the Corona virus Covid-19. I’m been doing my daily routines plus I added three additional people per day to talk or text with. Today I received a notice from Apple that I spent an average of almost five hours a day in the past week on my phone. What? That can’t be. But Apple isn’t wrong. They track you. My daily routine includes reading two newspapers: The Miami Herald (online in addition to print) and The New York Times online – estimated time one hour. I spend probably another hour going through my email and reading on the phone. Then there’s Facebook, Instagram, Linked-in, Google, CNN, Twitter, photos, the weather, the plunging stock market, playing bridge, texting, phone calls and misc. So thinking about this, it all adds up. I definitely need to streamline some of this. Does this count as another unfulfilled New Year’s resolution?